
(1). To create a Bible Culture and promote a Biblical Apostolate in the 130 dioceses of the thirteen regions in India;

(2) To strengthen and coordinate the activities of Regional and Diocesan Commissions through concerted effort;

(3) To create a genuine hunger and thirst for the word of God in the people and instil a desire to be authentic servants of God's word;

(4) To create a devotion to the word of God among the faithful through Enthronement of the Bible in families and ceremonial presenting of the Bible to children and youth and a bridal gift of the Bible;

(5) To organize ongoing formation for priests to update themselves in the Sacred Scripture and on how to break the word of God in relation to the daily life of the people;

(6) To train up lay men and women as lectors, prayer leaders, animators of Bible study groups and Coordinators of Lectio Divina and form them as effective preachers of the word of God;

(7) To help lay faithful to become familiar with and interpret the written word of God according to Catholic tradition;

(8) To create a greater collaboration on all the levels of the Church's life: Family, Parish, Deanery, Diocesan, Regional and National;

(9) To make the Bible available to all people at affordable price;

(10) To initiate activities like Bible Sundays, Bible Festivals, Bible Schools and so on;

(11) To utilize the mass media, E-media and IT in the service of the word.